Suitable for years 3 to 8
Interactive lessons and games Interactive lessons and games
Curriculum aligned activities Curriculum aligned activities

Unlocking Our Stories: Australia's Symbols

Discover Australia through our national symbols



Unlocking Our Stories: Australia’s Symbols is a trusted and engaging resource for teaching about the national symbols in Australian classrooms.

Backed by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, this curriculum-aligned resource for Years 3–8 will help you and your students discover the rich meaning and history of our Anthem, Flags and other national symbols.

Curriculum-aligned resources
Interactive lessons and games
Downloads and links for teachers

At Home


The connection between home and school is important.
Unlocking Our Stories: Australia’s Symbols helps support that partnership with at home activity sheets and links to useful sites and resources. Families can also access the resources to support at home learning.

Information sheets
Resouces for at home learning
Useful links



The story of Australia’s symbols is rich and colourful. Our symbols represent what is unique about the nation, reflecting different aspects of our cultural life and history.

Among our best-loved symbols are the Australian National Flag; our floral emblem, the fragrant golden wattle; the celebratory national colours of green and gold; and our vibrant gemstone, the opal. The Australian National Anthem is also one of our most important national symbols.

Australian National Anthem
Australian flags
Other national symbols